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Established in 1959, Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) is a representative of manufacturing and value-add industries in Kenya. The Association has grown into a dynamic, vibrant, credible Association that unites industrialists and offers a common voice for businesses.

We have been front and centre in driving fact-based policy advocacy toward the formation of industrial policies to strengthen and support the country’s economic development. Through fact-based advocacy, KAM partners with Government and its associated agencies to ensure a dynamic and flourishing manufacturing sector in Kenya, to realize a double-digit contribution to GDP.

The Kenya Revenue Authority was established by an Act of Parliament, Chapter 469 of the laws of Kenya, which became effective on 1st July 1995. KRA is charged with collecting revenue on behalf of the government of Kenya.

The core functions of the Authority are: -

  1. To assess, collect and account for all revenues in accordance with the written laws and the specified provisions of the written laws.
  2. To advise on matters relating to the administration of, and collection of revenue under the written laws or the specified provisions of the written laws.
  3. To perform such other functions in relation to revenue as the Minister may direct. 

The Kenya Police has its small beginnings in the period between 1887 – 1902, tracing its foundation on the Imperial British East Africa (I.B.E.A.) Company, and a businessman Sir William McKinnon, who in the interest of his business found it necessary to provide some form of protection (security) for his stores along the coastline of Kenya.

It is from this origin that the concept of constituting a real police service was formed in Mombasa. Generally, police activities centered on protection of the business of the I.B.E.A. Company where the strength was mainly of Indian origin with a skeleton staff of some Africans otherwise referred to as ‘Askaris”. During those early stages of the small police force, its duties were negligible.

The Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek) is Kenya’s independent, self-funded, multi-sectorial, non-political, and apex non-profit Federation committed to consumer protection, education, research, consultancy, litigation, anti-counterfeits campaign and business rating on consumerism and customer-care issues.

The Federation was registered on March 26, 2010. Cofek works towards a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all Kenyan and regional consumers in all sectors of the economy.

Cofek is the founder and Chair of the Government-run Kenya Consumer Protection Advisory Committee (Kecopac). Our mandate is drawn from Article 46 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Consumer Protection Act, 2012, and the Competition Act, Cap 504 among other statutes. The legal framework provides high thresholds for consumer protection in all spheres and for both private and public sectors.