Agent: means a person or institution contracted by a licensee to buy or sell on behalf of such dealer in scrap metal whose weight does not exceed five thousand kilograms.
To bale means to — (a)pack in drums or other containers; or (b)bind, hold together by cordage, metal straps, canvas roping or other means
Cabinet Secretary means the Cabinet Secretary responsible for matters relating to industrialization
Collector means a person appointed by a licensee to operate as a mobile collector in a designated area to gather, collect and buy scrap metal in order to sell to a licensed agent or dealer in quantities that do not exceed three thousand kilograms per transaction;
Conditional order means an order issued by the court as provided under section 25 (4);
Council means the Scrap Metal Council established under section 3;
Dealing in relation to scrap metal, includes buying or otherwise acquiring, selling or otherwise disposing of scrap metal whether by way of barter, pledge or otherwise;
Licence means a licence issued under section 1 1;
Licensed dealer means a person licensed to deal in scrap metal under section I l, whether or not such person engages in any other trade or business, and excludes a person generating or using such metal as a by-product;
Miller means a person who buys scrap metal in its original form for recycling and processing it into semi-finished or finished products:
Principal Secretary means the Principal Secretary responsible for matters relating to industrialization;
Scrap metal includes : (a) any old metal, second-hand metal, broken metal, defaced or old metal goods (including machinery and plant), whether wholly or partly manufactured, and any metal which is the property of the Government, or is privately owned, whether ferrous, non-ferrous or ferroalloyed, but does not include gold, silver or any metals of the platinoid group; and (b) used automobile batteries;
Inspector means an officer appointed as a scrap metal inspector under section 29
Utility company means a public body established under the relevant laws in the railway, telecoms, energy, water or roads sectors.